The Chick Whisperer Podcast

The Worst Men's Dating Advice...According To A Woman - MTP395



Co-Host Preity Upala ( My returning guest is one of your favorites, being both as charming and unoffendable as she is. That among other reasons makes her the right one for a spirited and sometimes even controversial discussion on BAD men's dating advice out there, from the perspective of a woman. So how about it? First of all, what does a woman know about men's dating advice? On a related note, why does it seem like women have dating and relationship advice figured out while we as men seem to be left in the dark? What are we as men supposed to do when even very average women seem to think they're some sort of 'goddess'? Who should we definitely not take relationship advice from? Is 'tactical' a bad word when it comes to men's dating advice? And speaking of 'bad', why this focus on 'bad boys' all the time? And what is 'the high-value man delusion'? Who are 'passport bros', and what bad advice are they basing their strategy on? Next, you'll have the distinct pleasure of dis