Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

387 Why Some People's Finances Improved During COVID - Author and Senior Economist Scott Fulford



And we're back with Season 18 of the More Money Podcast! I think it's finally not "too soon" to talk about the pandemic and what the heck happened (right?). That's why I invited Scott Fulford on the show, a senior economist at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the author of the newly released book The Pandemic Paradox: How the COVID Crisis Made Americans More Financially Secure. I know, that sounds a bit odd doesn't it? How could people have become more financially secure when all the news headlines talked about were layoffs and people struggling to pay their bills? Well, as Scott discovered in his research and interviews with Americans across the country, although many people did have a tough time riding out the COVID wave, the majority actually thrived financially. But why was this? That's what you'll learn by listening to the full episode. I'm also giving away a copy of Scott's book, so make sure to visit to enter to win! This episode of the More Money Podcast is pre