Mo' Money Podcast | Personal Finance With Jessica Moorhouse

388 Money in the Shadow of Terminal Illness - Host of CBC's Sickboy and Founder of Snack Labs Jeremie Saunders



How would your relationship with money change if you had a terminal illness? Let me tell you right now, it would have a huge impact on it! This is why I wanted to have Jeremie Saunders on the show to share his story. He's the co-host of the Sickboy Podcast and lives with cystic fibrosis. From an early age, he knew that having CF would cut his lifespan short, which on the one hand made him live life to the fullest but on the other, meant he didn't think too far into the future when it came to his money. That is until he was introduced to a new drug that would lengthen his life exponentially. This meant that things like getting married and starting a family were no longer out of reach, but it also meant he needed to start thinking about tackling his finances and building long-term wealth. In this episode, Jeremie provides insight into his battle with CF, how provincial healthcare has played a significant role in his life and career, and how he hopes his Sickboy Podcast can not only put a spotlight on living wit