Journal of Accountancy Podcasts

Why accounting deserves STEM status, and how you can help



The practice of accounting is increasingly tied to technology, the T in the acronym STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). That tie-in is one reason the AICPA is advocating for accounting to be federally recognized as a STEM education field.  Two AICPA leaders join this episode of the JofA podcast to discuss the STEM topic: Jan Taylor, CPA, CGMA, academic in residence and senior director–Academic & Student Engagement, and Lauren Pfingstag-Vahey, director–Congressional & Political Affairs. Resources AICPA & CIMA resource page, Accounting is STEM JofA coverage of AICPA support for STEM-focused legislation in fall 2023 What you’ll learn from this episode: ·         Tracing STEM’s history to the 1950s space race. ·         The educator who came up with the acronym used today. ·         Why accounting should be considered a STEM education field. ·         How a STEM designation could help grow the accounting talent pipeline. ·         The number of co-sponsors for a House bill focused on