More Than A Song - Discovering The Truth Of Scripture Hidden In Today's Popular Christian Music

Special Edition: Keith Ferrin on Friday With Friends



Welcome to Friday With Friends! I have the distinct privilege of meeting incredible followers of Christ who have amazing ministries, fascinating careers, and incredible hobbies and pet projects that flow out of their identity in Christ. While my podcast is a solo show, I still want a venue to introduce you to these friends as examples of the multifaceted ways God works in and through His people. In this episode, I have the privilege of hosting my friend, Keith Ferrin, to talk about his journey moving from "should" to "want" regarding reading and studying God's Word.We reminisce about the day we "met" over ten years ago when I reached out to him as a fellow believer in Christ to ask questions about podcasting. We were complete strangers, but he was generous with his knowledge and time. And while he moved on from podcasting to course creation, book authorship, speaking, and YouTube content creation, we've stayed in touch over the years. I can't wait for you to get to