Seneca Community Church Messages

2/04/2024 - The Seeking King - Part 8b: Friendship



What is your favorite burger or sandwich? What would you do for one right now? In 2010, Burger King ran an ad campaign that actually got people to unfriend 10 people on Facebook to get a free Whopper. They called it The Whopper Sacrifice. The online ad campaign was so successful that they had to pull the ad within two weeks. The New York Times reported that in the first week, 233,906 friendships had been terminated and Burger King was on the hook for 23,000 free Whoppers. Facebook also didn't care for those results. Why was it successful? Let's be honest, do you have 10 so-called friends that you would sacrifice for your favorite burger or sandwich?  Join us for our next installment of The Seeking King - Part 8b: Friendship as we continue to look at David and Jonathan's strong friendship. If you have a chance, prepare by reading or rereading 1 Samuel 20 (page 198 in an SCC chair rack Bible).