T-bone Speaks Dentistry

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset for A Successful Dental Practice



In this episode, Meredith and I discuss the Scarcity Mindset, exploring its negative impact on one’s practice and strategies for overcoming it. The Scarcity Mindset is an outlook on life that fixates on a lack of resources needing conservation and strategic use. Having experienced this mindset and transitioning into survival mode, I realized its detrimental effects on both my mental health and my practice. Overcoming this mindset can be challenging; one must build resilience and confront the struggles. A key piece of advice from this episode is to observe how others navigate similar situations. While trying a specific solution repeatedly, if it proves ineffective, it's time to change your strategy!@3:43 Abundance, Survival Mode and Scarcity@5:4 Relapse Signs@8:20 Negative Effect@9:55 Overcoming the Mindset@14:11 Approaching the Situation