Covenant Connection




Herb Blum's sermon was about the importance of truth and the difference between the old and the new covenant. He said that the word of God is the only absolute truth and that we need to study it and speak it to walk in the spirit and receive the blessings of God. He explained that the old covenant was based on the law and works, and that it was given to the nation of Israel to reveal their sin and their need for a savior. He said that the new covenant is based on grace and faith, and that it is for everyone who believes in Jesus as the son of God and the fulfillment of the law. He said that we need to understand the two covenants and not mix them or interpret the scripture with a worldly mindset. He also gave some examples of words that have different meanings in the spirit and in the world, such as allow, control, discipline, and test. He urged us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice and renew our minds with the word of God.