Cutting Through The Matrix With Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)

Jan. 28, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Those Who Guide Fate End Nation State"



--{ "Those Who Guide Fate End Nation State"}-- Why are people drawn to New Age? - Degraded Culture - Amalgamation into European (EU) and American Blocs - Sovietized Unions - EU Dictatorship, Dictator Van Rompuy: "Age of Nation-State is Over" - What is the Freeman Movement? Name in Block Capital Letters - Law, Precedents for Every Case - Birth Certificate, Social Insurance System - Debts - Religious Books Changed for Political Reasons - Moral Relativism - Kinsey and Other Creatures Funded by Rockefeller Foundation - Canadians (Test Subjects for GMO Food).