Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:1026 America's Boogeyman And Sasquatch



Tonight I will be speaking to John. John writes “In 2017 we took our cadets out to an FTX (Field Training Exercise) near Tenino, WA. On the 1st night we heard what I now know to be tree knocks, which was curious but nothing unnerving, so we really paid no attention to it. But the 2nd night… around 0130 (1:30 am) we heard a LOUD, chilling, otherworldly yell, that got all the staff out of our tents at lightning speed and on immediate high alert. The length… of the howl / screaming growl; NOTHING I know of has a lung capacity that large. I’m a hunter & fisherman, so I spend a fair amount of time in nature (or at least, I used to) and I’ve never heard anything like that, ever, in my life. A sustained vocalization of approx 25-30 seconds in one breath. It was chilling. Almost paralyzing. What truly stood my hair on end, was some kind of infrasound reverb passing through my vital organs that accompanied the yell. Like a lion’s huff. I Felt the sound waves ripple through my body, vibrating my guts. The voice was