Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

Episode 373: 4 Myths About What Blogging Will Do For Your Pet Company



Imagine you've just found the ultimate map to the blogging maze – well, consider this your personal guide to the treasures hidden within! I am back with digital marketing maestro Bobby Machado, from Signa Marketing to tackle the tallest tales in the blogosphere. Together, we're going to debunk those pervasive myths and set realistic expectations for your content's role in lead generation. Forget the old "post and pray" method; we're talking strategy that works as hard as you do. We'll dive deep and unearth the truth about SEO and the real impact of fresh content, tearing down the illusion that more is always better. It’s about crafting posts that speak directly to your audience, with long-tail keywords that act like a whistle for your target market – they'll come running! And for those of you who’ve been led to believe that overnight success is just one blog post away, we're about to adjust that narrative. Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint, and we're here to pace you to victory. Plus, because every eli