Mercy Seat Christian Church

The Distortion of Love and The Proliferation of Evil in America



To say we should never resist evil becomes an evil in itself - as such teaching proliferates evil in the land. To say we should never resist evil is what is UNloving. To say we should never resist evil is a treason against God and the betrayal of neighbor. --Is it proper to in the name of love and do not resist evil to betray the weak to the wicked-- To in the name of love and do not resist evil to expose someone else's cheek to an attacker-- To in the name of love and do not resist evil allow wicked men to burn down churches, plant atheism, and destroy the nation-- To in the name of love and do not resist evil stand by while children have their genitals mutilated and their minds corrupted----The truth is - it is precisely love which compels us to resist evil. --Love is defined by the law and Word of God. 39 min. available at YouTube-