T-bone Speaks Dentistry

More Money & More Freedom with Dental Implants - Why Dentists Should Get into Dental Implants Today!



Wondering where to get started and how dental implants can transform the way you practice dentistry?Adding dental implants to my practice has really leveled up both my clinical game and business prospects. The extra income from implants has allowed me to explore new opportunities. Diving into implant education has not only opened up my schedule but also brought a lot of joy to my dental work. Now, a good chunk of what I do clinically revolves around dental implants, and it's not only boosted revenue but also made my work more fulfilling.@00:36:3 The Transformative Power of Dental Implants@1:34.7 Testimonial on 3D Dentist's Implant Course@2: 27.5 3D Dentists' Approach to Implant Training@3:34.0 Exploring Implants as a Career Choice@7:31 8 Economics of Implant Dentistry@15:12 Challenges in Implementing Implants@17:15.2 Overcoming Challenges@20:25.3 The Three Phases of Implant Journey@ 20:44.0 Newbie Dentist's Plan@21:56.9 Expanding Dentist's Plan@23:21.1 Scaling Dentist's PlanVisit