Cutting Through The Matrix With Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)

Jan. 21, 2024 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "The Psychological Knavery of Technique Slavery"



--{ "The Psychological Knavery of Technique Slavery"}-- Alan Watt audio from Sept. 22, 2019 - Thank you for your support; No guitar lessons. - Siv Tove of "Norwegian Christmas" passed away. Her joy in living and courage in dying. - Why is cancer skyrocketing among young people? - Who was behind the opioid crisis? - The Middle East Escalation: Yemen, Israel Strikes Syria, Iran Strikes Pakistan, UK Military bases in Cyprus. - Why are we given elaborate renderings of the Gaza tunnels? - WEF, What is meant by building back trust? - Disease X - NATO admiral Bauer tells civilians to prepare for conflict. - Tragedy and Hope book club updates. - What are the techniques for building up for war? - How has the North American Union unfolded? - Hyperinflation, Bailouts - BBC series, The Scheme, about devastation in Scotland's poor areas. Why has heroin flooded into Britain? Why has purpose been taken from people?