

God did the most amazing and mysterious thing. He created us with free will; the ability to choose; the ability to say "yes" to something if we want to say "yes", and the ability to say "no" to something if we want to say "no". God could have made robots, but God wanted something way more authentic, and real, and sincere than that. He wanted a creature that had the ability to disobey him, but that would freely to choose to obey him. Wow! In this episode Tony reminds us that we have the ability to choose. Over and over again, probably severeal times a day, you're going to have the ability to "choose", and the choices you make will both determine and reveal the person you truly are. Being a healthier person has something to do with getting the power of choice back, and then exercising your will in obedience to God! 14 “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.15 And if it is evil in y