Gotham Press

Go Go Godzilla



Old Godzilla was hopping around Tokyo City like a big playground... Welcome back Gothamites to one of your favorite places on the internet! We've got a hot one today starting with some atomic fire breath from HiddenJiann talking about Godzilla Minus One. From there we jump to the MCU and pondering the question What If? After that comes the question of if you'd be willing to scan your face just to be able to watch porn... A great listener question from ShockDoc that we've also asked you all to chime in on here. And Thief talks about the type of play near and dear to his flaming hear! As always, we hope you enjoy the time you spend with us Gothamites. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon/FetLife/Discord/Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Spotify -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Association with JW Paddles Carmilla The First Steel Brat Pacis Thief's Touch