Compliance Perspectives

Matt Kelly on the Top Compliance Stories from 2023 [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub Matt Kelly (LinkedIn), Editor and CEO at Radical Compliance is a close watcher of all things compliance, and in this podcast he shares his take on both the top stories of 2023 and what he sees in the cards for 2024. FCPA On the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act front, he noted a change in enforcement. While the volume of resolutions declined on the DOJ side, the SEC has remained very active. Perhaps most notably, the Albermarle case had an interesting twist. The way the company did business was changed dramatically as a part of the settlement, he reports, with a restructuring of its overseas sales and the end of the use of third parties. He speculates this may be the start of a new trend in which monetary penalties are accompanied by required changes to the way companies do business. Also of note in FCPA was the announcement by Lisa Monaco at the SCCE Compliance & Ethics Institute of a leniency policy in mergers and acquisitions. Because of the relatively short timeline for finding and dis