Unspoiled! A Song Of Ice And Fire

ASOIAF 2: A Dance With Dragons- Chapters 24 & 25



NOW is the time to get your financial shit together! Mollie can help! Get in touch for a free consultation here: http://m3virtualaccounting.com/This illustration of Bittersteel, the founder of The Golden Company, is by JoelChaimHoltzman and you can see it here! https://www.deviantart.com/joelchaimholtzman/art/And-blood-will-rain-upon-the-False-Dragon-558172256These chapters are The Lost Lord and The Windblown, in which we get our first Jon Connington POV chapter before catching up with Quentyn Martell who is now going by Frog and has teamed up with The WIndblown.Thanks so much to you all for listening, and we will see you next week with a new episode!Credit to MetroGnome for the theme song, you can download it free and listen here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6a7sYKeeAIf you'd like to talk spoilers, come join the Discord! https://discord.gg/rEF2KfZxfVIf you'd like to support the show, please go to https://www.patreon.com/unspoiled and become a patron or just follow us for updates!