Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

(Part 2) The Most Mind-Blowing Information On Heart Disease You'll Ever Hear: Understanding The Heart (Uncommon Insights Into Our Most Commonly Diseased Organ)



Welcome to PART 2 of this amazing show about heart health, all based on the book Understanding the Heart: Uncommon Insights Into Our Most Commonly Diseased Organ by Stephen Hussey. As mentioned in several podcasts throughout the year, I've recently come across what I believe to be the best book on cardiovascular health that I've ever read. Before this point, my top book recommendation would have been Dr. Thomas Cowan's Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, ideally paired with a listen to my own big show on all the different ways to test, analyze, and medically quantify your heart health, which you can listen to in the episode titled "The Best Way To Test How Healthy Your Heart Is: Ben Greenfield Undergoes A Complete Advanced Cardiac Evaluation & Reports The Surprising Results!" Anyway, this latest, groundbreaking book — Understanding the Heart: Surprising Insights Into the Evolutionary Origins of Heart Disease―and Why It Matters — is by the remarkable Dr. Stephen Hussey, MS, DC, a chiropractor, functional medicine