Eternity Church Podcast

Episode 167: January 14, 2024 - Illuminating Dreams



A Sunday message from Pastor Brett Deal. Have you ever noticed all the dreams and visions in the Bible? Dreams in the Bible are like a new car. Before you bought it, the make and model were novel; perhaps there was a rare sighting here or there, but it was infrequently found in the wilds of America’s highways and byways. But the minute you drove that car off the lot, everybody and their mother is driving the same one! Some of this could be chalked up to distraction. We are so busy shuffling all kinds of other information in our minds that observing the vehicle zooming past us is less of a priority than what we need to get at the store or what remains to be done before we can call it a day. Our age of distraction isn’t really that different from that in the Bible. All the deep concerns of our time were present in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, just without newer technological advances. In the Bible, when people were overwhelmed with apprehensions and perturbations, too distracted to hear the still sm