
112. Pizza doesn’t work | An evidence-based intervention that reduced physician burnout and increased job satisfaction



Burnout is not a foregone conclusion. While individual efforts play a pivotal role, continually battling systemic challenges can be exhausting. In this episode, we delve into a simple and cost-effective systemic intervention that not only mitigates burnout but also enhances job satisfaction. We then discuss how you can recognize when your colleagues might be in distress, what to do about it, what to say, what not to say, and how to break through the stigma of seeking help. Guest Bio:  Dr. Tricia James is an internist and the Director of Wellness at Providence Portland Medical Center. A champion of local and regional clinician wellness, she is the first author of the groundbreaking HOSP-CPR studyººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººAwake and Aware | Our 2024 Live EventJoin us at Awake and Aware 2024, a transformative 3-day workshop from May 1st to 3rd in Bend, Oregon. Focusing on interactive experiences, this event offers a unique opportunity to reset, reflect, and connect with like-minded individuals.