Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Influencer Legal Guide: Protect Your Brand & Master FTC Rules with The Influencer Attorney Bobby Robinson



Embrace the power of knowledge as we unravel the complexities of influencer marketing with the astute guidance of "The Influencer Attorney" Bobby Robinson. This episode is a must-listen for anyone vested in the digital space, from influencers crafting their brand to businesses forging impactful partnerships. Learn the intricacies of FTC guidelines and why they're not just fine print but a foundation for your online endeavors.Navigating the digital landscape, we've shifted our gaze towards the crucial mergers of content creation and legal savvy. Delving into the world of influencer agreements with Bobby, we illuminate the dos and don'ts of content ownership, the dynamics of exclusivity clauses, and the pivotal art of negotiation. Moreover, we underscore the immense value of education - not merely as a safeguard but as a tool empowering your journey through the maze of FTC compliance, ensuring transparency reigns supreme in your collaborations.Capping off, we present a compelling narrat