T-bone Speaks Dentistry

GROW NOW: Accessible Patient Financing, Treatment Coordination, and The 5 People You Hangout With



Welcome back to another Episode Throwback! This episode covers three main topics: the importance of making dental treatments financially accessible to patients through options like patient financing, the crucial role of a treatment coordinator in simplifying treatment plans and enhancing patient acceptance, and the broader theme of intentionally surrounding oneself with five different types of people for personal and professional growth. Emphasizing the significance of patient financing in dentistry, making treatments simpler and increasing acceptance rates. The treatment coordinator's responsibilities, from presenting plans to scheduling appointments, are highlighted as pivotal in ensuring smooth patient experiences. Beyond dentistry, the discussion encourages intentionally seeking a diverse group of individuals in life, including successful business persons, good friends, hobby buddies, anti-weakness supporters, and family, to foster a well-rounded and supportive network for personal development.@0:28