Eternal Leadership

The Orange Edge: Unveiling David Bassit's Colorful Path to Success | David Bassitt 439



David consults, coaches, and trains sales organizations and sales professionals to tap into the power of orange to grow their business and clientele. David’s sales efforts have consistently exceeded expectations resulting in hundreds of millions raised by him and his sales teams.  David’s success is built on relationship building skills that have significant impact on sales as well as personal and professional growth. David has served in several leadership roles for large financial and investment organizations, most recently at Inland Securities Corporation as Senior Vice President and Managing Director.  Prior to joining Inland, David was Director of Financial Services with AEI Fund Management Inc., and was responsible for wholesaling public and private net lease real estate investments and 1031 property exchanges through financial planners.  Additionally, David represented mutual funds at Carnegie Capital Asset Management LLC, sold trust services to financial brokers at Piper Jaffray, and sold limited part