Eternity Church Podcast

Episode 166: January 7, 2024 - Behold The King



A Sunday sermon by Pastor Brett Deal. I don’t think it would be shocking to anyone if I said we live in an age of distraction. Some distractions fly at us, outside of our control, leaving us harried and bewildered. Others we invite in and give special places of honor in our lives. These diversions can serve us like pressure valve releases, allowing built up stress and strain to burn away. Surely some distractions are valid, important even. We all need a break when the weight of the world feels like it's crashing down on us: a call from a loved one, a movie with friends, an afternoon nap. Some distractions, however, spread and expand and seemingly take over our lives! What once was a passing fancy can leave us sidelined in our own lives. For example, Amy Herman once observed, “Portable technology is not just a sensory distraction; we allow it to be a sensory substitute.”  Technology and innovation can be such a blessing! Through it, we see the faces of family thousands of miles away and warm ourselves in the