

Our connection to God in the process of change, healing, and recovery is of supreme importance. It’s hard enough to overcome sexual compulsion, sexual addiction, or addiction to pornography with the Lord, let alone without the Lord. Even secular recovery programs such as Alcoholics Annoymous affrim the importance of your relationship to a "higher power" to the process of recovery, and at least 6 of the 12 steps directly mention this reality. Step 2: accept that a higher power, in whatever form, will restore your sanity Step 3: make a decision to turn your will and life over to a higher power Step 5: admit to a higher power, another human, and yourself the nature of your wrongdoings Step 6: accept that a higher power will remove your character defects Step 7: humbly request the higher power remove your shortcomings Step 11: use prayer and meditation to connect with the higher power If we're serious about being better men, we must have a relationship thing going on with God, and not just a religio