Moments With Marianne

The Bride of Buddha with Barbara McHugh PhD



Have you ever considered the story of Yasodhara, the abandoned wife of the Buddha? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Barbara McHugh, PhD, as we discuss her novel The Bride of Buddha. #MomentswithMarianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.1 FM, an ABC News Radio! Barbara McHugh, PhD, is a published poet and novelist with many years of professional experience editing fiction, newsletters, and technical documents. She has an M.A. in English Literature from N.Y.U. and a Ph.D. in Religion and Literature from the University of California at Berkeley and the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. Barbara is a successful writing coach / "book doctor." Barbara has been co-teaching workshops and intensives since 1994. For more show information visit: #readinglist #books #bookish #author #authorinterview #KMET1490AM #radioshow #booklover #mustread #reading