Element Christian Church

Not So Little Women Week 14 - Martha



The Not So Little Women series focuses on stories of different women in the Bible. Today, we look at Martha, on of Jesus' disciples. Who was Martha? – She was a disciple of Jesus. Martha was from Bethany, a 2-mile walk from Jerusalem. She was the sister of Mary (of Bethany) and Lazarus. Martha was a ‘get things done’ person and likely had a gift for hospitality. What is her story? – While hosting Jesus at her home, Martha became frustrated with her sister ‘sitting at the feet of Jesus’ while she served Jesus. Jesus spoke truth in love to Martha - teaching her that women and men both can be His disciples, and that ‘being with’ Him supersedes ‘doing for’ Him. Much later, Martha proclaimed her belief in Jesus as Messiah, witnessed Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, and served a meal in Jesus’ honor. WATCH FULL SERVICE ON YOUTUBE DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES HERE