The Psychology Podcast

Scott Barry Kaufman || Transcend



On this episode of The Psychology Podcast, physicist Sean Carroll chats with Scott Barry Kaufman, host of The Psychology Podcast, about his new book Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization, which is out today! In this episode we discuss: Why studying humans is more complicated than studying the universe The importance of having humility as a psychologist How Scott’s new book Transcend builds on the work of Abraham Maslow How Maslow never actually drew a pyramid What Maslow actually meant by his “Hierarchy of Needs” The dialectical between security and growth Scott’s new metaphor for the hierarchy of needs How humans can be greater than the sum of their parts Scott’s revised integrated hierarchy of needs Why attachment styles are continuums, not types Why the need for belonging is not the same as the need for intimacy The effects of loneliness on our physical health The latest science of introversion Healthy self-esteem vs. narcissism The “growing tip” Psychological entropy The need for exploration a