
FreshEd #177 – Transgender Students and Education Law (Suzanne Eckes)



Happy new year! FreshEd is on holidays for the next few weeks. While we are away, we'll replay some of our favourite episodes. You can check out our entire catalogue of 341 episodes here: -- Controversies over school policies that impact transgender students have increasingly made headlines in the United States for the past few years. What legal protections do transgender students have in schools? And how have the Obama and Trump administrations interpreted the law in this regard? My guest today is Suzanne Eckes, professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department at Indiana University. She has written about the various legal cases involving transgender students. Citation: Eckes, Suzanne, interview with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 177, podcast audio, October 21, 2019. -- Get in touch! Twitter: @FreshEdpodcast Facebook: FreshEd Email: Support FreshEd: