Mums With Hustle Podcast

MWH 414 : How To Plan Your Day for Growth and Freedom



MWH 414 : How To Plan Your Day for Growth and Freedom In this episode, we will talk about how to plan your day for growth and freedom using the concept of minimums and maximums! We will focus on the power of consistent daily actions towards achieving bigger life goals and delve into how the minimums and maximums can help you let go of the need for perfection, celebrate progress along the way, and avoid burnout. LISTEN NOW By the end of this episode, you will... Learn how a minimum goal becomes your standard, representing the lowest level of action you should take towards achieving your goal every day. You literally don't go below that. It's important that you have minimum because if you are going to achieve our goals, even if it's at the lowest level, you are still taking a step. Find out how a maximum goal which represents the highest level of action you can take on a given day when you just feel like a fire powerhouse, you got more energy, more bandwidth or more time and capacity. The ma