Super Best Friends Video Game Sleepover

SBFVGS - Ep.195: The 2023 SBFVGSVGAGOTY's!



In episode 195 of the Super Best Friends Video Game Sleepover podcast, David and Mike engage in a diverse and insightful discussion covering a range of gaming experiences and news. David takes the listeners through his engaging experiences in "Baldur's Gate 3," highlighting the game's complexity and challenges, and shares his excitement about the innovative "Lego Fortnite" mode. Meanwhile, Mike offers a detailed recount of his 70-hour playthrough of "Bloodborne," shedding light on the game's depth and immersion, and discusses the broader impact of Game Pass subscriptions on the gaming industry. The episode also ventures into important gaming news, with a focused discussion on Naughty Dog's decision to cancel "The Last of Us" online game. This topic paves the way for an in-depth conversation about the future of live service games and the strategic directions of major gaming studios. Adding a significant highlight, the episode features the eagerly anticipated and coveted SBFVGSVGAGOTY’s (Super Best Friends Vide