Authentic Life Fellowship Of Greenville

”Why the Shepherds?” Luke 2:8-14 By: Pastor Jimmy Vaughn



Today Pastor Jimmy continues his Christmas sermon series with a deeper look into why on the night when the Savior was born the world's emperors, priests, prophets, soldiers, or scholars were not invited to greet him, rather, that honor was reserved for the lowliest of the low, for the least educated of men, for ranch hands who were despised by the locals, whose clothes gave off the stench of the fields, those who lacked the most basic manners, whose language might be unfit for your children's ears. This message can be watched on the Authentic Life Fellowship Facebook YouTube channel. if you will “Like” us you will receive a notice each time we Go LIVE on Sunday mornings at 9 & 10 AM CDT. A copy of Pastor Jimmy's teaching notes is available upon request, Email him at