Docs Outside The Box - Ordinary Doctors Doing Extraordinary Things

Giving back: Is it always a good thing? #396



As Dr. Nii and Dr. Renee unravel the tapestry of gender roles in today's workplace, we're confronted by the delicate interplay between professional commitments and personal relationships. Our podcast peels back the layers on how societal expectations can dictate the ebb and flow of decision-making within partnerships, sometimes leading to one partner influencing the career trajectory of the other. We are also prompted to join hands in donating to the SNMA to foster medical education and support to medical students. You can also donate to the SNMA by clicking on the link down below.Turning our gaze towards global health, Dr. Nii and Dr. Renee engage in a profound dialogue on the ethics of surgical care in medical missions. We stress the imperative of leaving a legacy of sustainability, focusing on the ripple effects of our actions long after we've departed. By sharing our own experiences and the lessons learned, we aim to influence the future architects of medical aid to build on a foundation of