Video Games 2 The Max

Can AAA Gaming Survive? And New Gaming Consoles in 2026? # 377



After an unintended week off due to Sean having an internet outage on the day of recording last week, Video Games 2 the MAX returns in a very hectic week in gaming. Between last week and this week, more information has put into question the sustainability of AAA gaming with budgets ballooning, the increased amount of layoffs in 2023, and if games still don't cost enough to offset all of this. Is the answer to increase the price to $80 or $90 for new AAA games? Do gamers need to understand that the majority of games may have to lower their budgets? Could this bring subscription services more into play? Does this justify why there's been so much of a push towards Games as a Service? Or is this whole thing going to blow up entirely? According to Jeff Grubb, a PS5 Pro is surely coming in 2024 with its own DLSS tech and he's also been hearing rumors of Xbox possibly starting a whole new console generation as early as 2026. Could this actually help Microsoft achieve a bit of a head start like with the Xbox 360? Or