Ruach Breath Of Life

Come in Your Glory



Welcome to this opening track in the second part of our series on Yahweh-Mephalti: the Lord our Deliverer. We will be praying here for a whole selection of situations where people are in distress and in immediate need of His help. Prayer flows more deeply when it is soaked and wrapped in worship - and we are very pleased to share this really precious time of worship in the Spirit that Carol Sampson led at one of Colin Urquhart's Faith Camps in the early 1990s. It draws us deeply into the courts of the Lord - and who knows where that will take us, or how He will lead us from that precious place? Do be open to Him leading you far beyond the prayer suggestions that we offer here! Arise O God on behalf of the afflicted! In the morning, LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You, and wait expectantly. By Your great love, I can come into Your house, bow down in reverence toward Your holy temple and ask You to arise and send Your mighty life-changing power into the situations I bri