Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

Digital Media Ownership Debunked: The Tactical Octopus Unveiled



In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media, the illusion of ownership can be shattered with a single tactical move. Recently, the PlayStation community experienced a rude awakening when paid content was abruptly removed - and no refunds were given. This underscores a widespread issue: do you own the digital shows and movies you 'bought'? Topics Explored in the Article: Tactical Octopus Unveiled: Delve into the intricate tactics used in the digital realm that challenge the perception of ownership. IRS Alert: Explore the unexpected connection between the IRS and your digital movie purchases, revealing potential vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity Insights: Understand the broader landscape of cybersecurity and its impact on safeguarding your digital trove. Email Threats: Uncover the silent menace posed by email threats and how they can compromise your perceived ownership of digital content. Phishing Schemes Exposed: Navigate through the perilous waters of phishing schemes, shedding light on how they put your di