Healing Outside The Box

HOTB 294: What's all the fuss about Olympic?



If there was ever a topic that my unique combination of background experience leads me to have an opinion about, it would be Ozempic. Yet, even I am not sure about exactly where the internal debate in my head finally lands. And that leads me to believe that the “one size fits all” nutrition advice just won’t work here. But before I get into Ozempic, I want to bring your attention to a short video on scientific studies examining skin creams for anti-aging. Because the topic is so subjective and mice won't sit still long enough to apply the skin cream, there are very few legitimate double-blind studies on whether or not these creams work. However, there was one study that demonstrated improvements in the skin after application of a niacin cream. The video can be found here.  I mentioned that even the 60 Minutes news show has differing opinions on the subject. The 60 minutes – Australia clip discussed an incident where a young woman died because she was so adamant about not wanting to stop the Ozempic, that she