Pure Sex Radio

Understanding Freedom, Identity, and Creativity in Addiction Recovery



HELP REACH THE YEAR-END GOAL TO IMPACT MORE LIVES!We have a goal of $103,000 to reach even more individuals and families in 2024 through this podcast and all our other ministries.To partner with us, give at Bebroken.org/donate or call 210-822-8201.----------Recovery from any addiction is difficult and there are many stages and layers to the process. It is easy to become overwhelmed and wonder if there is any hope and what the ultimate goal is in recovery.My guest today is Zach Ellis. He is the Director of New Programs at The Nathan Project, a ministry whose mission is to engage, equip, and encourage Christian families struggling with pornography, sexual brokenness, and addiction.Zach shares how he got into this space of ministry and some key elements of recovery that are vital for true transformation: freedom, identity, and creativity. He talks of freedom as both a “breaking” and a “building” and how this two-sided aspect of freedom leads to deeper meaning and purpose. He shares of the importance of identity