

In this episode Tony explores the mystery of the Incarnation - the mysterious reality that God became a man, and made his dwelling among us. God became one of us, and the little baby in the manger - Jesus - was incomprehensibly 100% God and 100% human at the very same time. But this profound mystery isn't just theology for us to believe in our head. It's reality that makes all the difference in our hearts and lives. It's the reality that God is with us that creates the possiblity that our lives can be truly different. It's the reality that God is with us that creates the possibility that a man who's struggling with an addiction to pornography can truly change into a new and different man. What do you think the chances of true and lasting change would be if God wasn't with us? When we're confused... God is with us! When we're struggling... God is with us! When we're depressed... God is with us! When we're discouraged... God is with us! When we feel weak... God is with us! And when we're strugglng with pornogra