Anxiety Road Podcast

ARP 341 Sour Candy and Symptom Management



So in this episode I wanted to put a bit more context as to why sucking sour candy could work to stop panic attacks. Or not. Or not for the long term.   Here is how it started. I have news feeds for anxiety. This story popped up.   Delish is a food recipe and kitchen gadget website. I've seen videos on YouTube. I was confused when I saw the story about sour candy and panic attacks.   It didn't match their usual beat. Sometime that can lead to good stuff. Like a fishing website that reviews a movie about Vets, fishing and PTSD.    It isn't an instant reject for me unless it is one of those way past NC-17 websites, but my radar is on high alert.    Publisher these days they need to draw people to the website. Delish saw a fit with there mission. They did have a series called Suck It Up. They would ask celebrities questions and if they refused to answer they would have to eat an increasing strong sour candy.    So this was in the Delish wheelhouse. Kinda. They got the story from Tik Tok.   USA Today did a story