Mega City Book Club

244: Petrol Head



Rob Williams is well known for his wonderful writing for 2000AD, Marvel, DC and Doctor Who comics, and now is the co-creator with Pye Parr of a great new comic called Petrol Head. We chat about the classic Alan Moore and Alan Davis run on Captain Britain and discuss the unstoppable and terrifying Fury. Then Rob tells me all about the plans for Petrol Head going future, jump onboard with issues 1 and 2 now.You can find a list of all the upcoming books on the Facebook page, follow the podcast on instagram and Threads, or email me comments and suggestions to MCBCpodcast@gmail.comMusic used in this episode is Circuit Breaker by the artist Robodub. If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Or Download here Right click and choose save link as to download to your computer.