Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

Feel like a cog in your salon machine? Build a business that serves YOU



Hello there, my fellow salon queens and kings! Phil Jackson here, your very own Queen of Salons. This episode is a must-listen if you ever feel like you're constantly running around in circles for your business. We're going to have a chat about aligning your business goals with your personal aspirations, and I promise it'll be worth your while. In this episode, we delve into the importance of having a clear vision for your business. Are you dreaming of a passive income, or perhaps passing the reins to your family? Or maybe you've got your eyes set on selling your business one day. Whatever your personal goal is, it's essential to shape your business accordingly. We'll be exploring how to incorporate these personal aspirations into your business plans. I'll share some insights from one of my clients who's steering her business towards her dream of owning a property. We'll also shed light on visualizing the bigger picture of your life and aligning your business to that vision. So, grab a cuppa and tune in! Trus