More Than A Song - Discovering The Truth Of Scripture Hidden In Today's Popular Christian Music

#479: "Lead On Good Shepherd" by Patrick Mayberry



Don't forget to download the Episode Guide for THIS episode HERE.Did you ever get separated from your parents as a child? It's a terrifying experience as a mother to turn and realize your child has slipped away and is nowhere in sight. I've read stories where the child was so frightened they would hide in clothes racks until they heard their mother's call. Patrick Mayberry sings about our Good Shepherd in his song "Lead On Good Shepherd." Our Good Shepherd calls out for us like a mother for her lost child. He searches for us, listening for our response to His call. Then, he gathers our trembling bodies and carries us back to safety.The picture of a Good Shepherd is a thread woven throughout the Old and New Testaments. Let's pull on this thread together in this week's episode. In this episode, I discuss the following:Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Meditating on ScriptureRepetitionConsult an outside resource