Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

549 | The mental and emotional benefits of running a debt-free business Part 2



Use the timestamps below to guide you better as a leader or individual:Mental and emotional benefits of debt-free business. 0:00Chris LoCurto and Joel Fortner discuss the mental and emotional benefits of running a debt-free business, including being a leader or team member within a business.Joel Fortner asks Chris LoCurto a question about the unintended consequences of debt that they didn't have time to discuss last time.Following passions while avoiding debt and staying grounded in faith. 2:42Joel Fortner asks Chris LoCurto about going after passions while avoiding debt, to which Chris responds that going into debt is never justified and that following one's passions can lead to financial stability if done responsibly.Chris shares his personal experience of following his passions while recovering from past mistakes and staying out of debt, demonstrating that it's possible to pursue one's passions without incurring financial harm.Chris LoCurto shares a personal story of following God's will despite hating his