

CLICK HERE to download the free episode guide for THIS episode! What happens when our preference doesn't line up with God's preference? How can we even know God's desires? I've asked these questions since I was introduced to Rachel Morley's song "Preference." Join me as we explore a time when God's servants did something they 100% thought was right but did not line up with God's preference. In this episode, I discuss the following: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in context Read and keep on reading Ask questions Follow the cross-references Meditate on God's Word Read in different translations Refer to an overview of the book you're studying Remember the people were REAL Repetition Consult an outside resource Episode Guide Download How God challenged me with my own thoughts An overview of Chronicles - The Bible Project on YouTube Reading the genealogies and ma