Velocity With Ryan Estes

Thanksgiving Special Ft. New Wave Cranberry Sauce & Other Controversial Dishes



November 20, 2023 - This week we’re warming up for Thanksgiving by talking about the dishes we love, the traditions we want to rewrite, and the misunderstood star of a table – the modern cranberry sauce.    We’re also dropping in Ryan’s interview with Tori Schumacer. Tori is the owner of Hazel, the S. Pearl community art bar bringing together the neighborhood, great drinks, bites, and coloring books.   Do you have a Denver event, cause, opening, or recommendation that you want to share with us? We want to hear from you! Tell us what’s good at   Ryan’s Cranberry Sauce Ingredients: 1 bag Ocean Spray cranberries 1 lb of strawberries 1 “lil’ scoop” unsweetened cocoa powder 1 “lil’ scoop” powdered cinnamon 1 dash chili powder Marshmallows (optional) 1 FANCY dish (no, not a bowl)   Ryan’s Cranberry Sauce Method: Boil cranberries until skin breaks. Drain and combine with strawberries. Blend until smooth with cocoa powder and spices. Serve in your fancy dish. Optional: top with a layer of marshmal