Church Militant The Vortex Feed

Washington Post Attacks Nobel Laureate



TRANSCRIPT   When it comes to the climate, it's proven to be a very useful tool for the promotion of the communist agenda, perhaps even more so than the illegal immigration issue has been. The reason why is that immigration is essentially a U.S.-only issue, while climate alarmism has been ginned up to be a worldwide issue. It is two separate lines of attack ultimately aimed at destabilizing the republic, of course, but the climate cause has diverted trillions of U.S. tax dollars into the pockets of globalists and their agenda, with no end in sight. These people are enemies of the republic, both foreign and domestic. And in their push to end America, they have employed a dizzying array of weapons, with one of the major ones being the two-sided coin of propaganda and censorship. The censorship of scientists who challenge the communist narrative is pretty well attested to — even so far as attacking and canceling a Nobel prize winner, Dr. John Clauser, who was a featured prese