Trinity Episcopal Cathedral's Choral Evensong Podcasts

Choral Evensong: Ammonius, Hermit - The Rev. Jeanne Leinbach



November 8 Download the Bulletin: Choir: Choristers of St. Paul's, Cleveland Heights (Kelsey Ferguson, Director) Homilist: The Rev. Jeanne Leinbach Hymns: God, you made our human voices; Gentle Jesus, Loving Shepherd Responses: Sarah MacDonald (b. 1968) Psalm 24 Service: Jessica French Evening Service (b. 1984) Anthem: Andrew's Song - Sarah MacDonald (b. 1968) Order of Service: Prelude Opening Preces Office Hymn: God, You Made our Human Voices Psalm 24 First Lesson: 1 Samuel 10:20-27 Magnificat Second: Matthew 23:1-12 Nunc Dimittis Apostle's Creed Responses, Lord's Prayer, and Collects Greeting and Homily Anthem: Andrew's Song - Sarah MacDonald (b. 1968) , George Herbert (1593-1633) Spoken Prayers Concluding Versicle and Response Blessing Hymn: Gentle Jesus, Loving Shepherd Voluntary Anthem: Andrew's Song - Sarah MacDonald (b. 1968) George Herbert (1593-1633)