Church Militant The Vortex Feed

Why Won't the Vatican Stop the Climate Pandering?



TRANSCRIPT   While a lot of attention has been focused on Pope Francis and his pro-globalist climate alarmism, it might be good to step back and look at the Vatican's history in this area. Back in 2007, under Pope Benedict, not Pope Francis, the Vatican signed a deal to offset its carbon emissions output by planting a forest in Hungary. They went worldwide because the Vatican, which besides being the physical center of the Church, is also the world's smallest country and was signing up to be the world's first so-called carbon-neutral nation. Much ballyhoo surrounded the photo op when the developer of the company to plant the forest presented the certificate of award to curial Cdl. Paul Poupard on July 5, 2007. The Vatican was about to make history and was advancing the nonsense of climate alarmism. The green economy is phony because the science behind it is phony. A couple of years later, when Benedict was still pope, the entire roof of the Vatican's Paul VI auditorium was covere